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Retinal Detachment

What is Retinal Detachment?

Retinal detachment is a medical emergency that causes loss of vision. The loss can be partial or total and occurs when the retina separates from the back of the eye. Permanent vision loss may occur if the retinal detachment is left untreated or if treatment is delayed.

What are the symptoms of Retinal Detachment?

  • Blurred vision
  • Curtain-like shadow over your visual field
  • Gradually reduced peripheral vision
  • Fashes of light in one or both eyes 
  • Sudden appearance of tiny specks in field of vision

How is Retinal Detachment diagnosed?

Eye Examination
An eye examination is done to detact the presence of retinal holes, tears or detachments.

Imaging Tests
Imaging tests are done with ultrasound to check for bleeding in the eye, making it difficult to see the retina.

We are always happy to help.

Our Specialists

Dr. Bobby Cheng

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