Visitor Information Hours and Guidelines

Farrer Park Cancer Care is supported by a panel of multi-disciplinary oncology experts to guide patients and their caregivers on their cancer journey; using innovative approaches to cancer treatments with new technologies, personalized care plans and therapies.

From understanding a cancer diagnosis to deciding on a treatment plan, we are here to meet the spectrum of needs required by our patients, providing them with clinical care and working together to make informed decisions as we navigate with them through the disease into remission.

Cancer Survivorship

Cancer survivorship refers to cancer patients navigating their life experiences and the challenges they might face from the moment of their cancer diagnosis. it is focused on the distinct phase of cancer care following active cancer-directed treatment, and comprehensively extends over a range of issues faced by survivors, including the physical, mental and social aspects of the cancer experience.

Each patient’s course of survivorship will be personalized to each individual, with cancer progression affecting the types of treatments required.

Why is it important?

Some concerns addressed by cancer survivorship includes:

  • Monitors patients’ late and long-term treatment-related effects/
  • Assesses patients’ health related quality of life impairments
  • Maintenance of patients’ general health

What may cancer survivorship entail?

  • Detailed treatment plans such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc 
  • Support services for emotional effects you may experience such as Fear of Cancer Recurrence (FCR), anxiety and depression
  • Possible late or long-term effects of treatments and their symptoms
  • Wellness recommendations such as healthy diets and exercise programmes

Cancer survivorship is all about your well-being during your cancer journey, from the beginning to the end. If you have advanced cancer, cancer survivorship conversations may shift to the kind of care you’d like toward the end of your life such as palliative care or hospice.

Farrer Health

Is Health Screening Really Necessary? 

Health screening is designed to detect health conditions early—even before symptoms start. So why should health screening be done, when, and how often? 
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Advancing Multi-Cancer Early Detection using Liquid Biopsy tests

With regular screening to detect cancer early as the mainstay of preventing the disease, multi-cancer early-detection liquid biopsy tests are making their way as a cancer screening due to their higher detection sensitivity. 
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Life After Cancer: Navigating Survivorship in the 21st Century

With post-cancer care, you will have regular follow ups with your healthcare provider to look for changes in your health due to your cancer treatment and any problems that may arise, such as a cancer relapse. 
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