Farrer Park Cancer Care is supported by a panel of multi-disciplinary oncology experts to guide patients and their caregivers on their cancer journey; using innovative approaches to cancer treatments with new technologies, personalized care plans and therapies.

From understanding a cancer diagnosis to deciding on a treatment plan, we are here to meet the spectrum of needs required by our patients, providing them with clinical care and working together to make informed decisions as we navigate with them through the disease into remission.

Our imaging and radiation therapy suites provide comprehensive diagnostic and imaging and radiation therapy services supported by a team of inhouse radiologists, radiation oncologist, physicists, clinicians and allied health professionals at an integrated centre that allows for treatment to be done in a single location.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer involves the abnormal growth of breast cells that grow out of control and form tumors. If left untreated, the tumors can spread throughout the body and become fatal. Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women but it can also happen in men.

The treatment for breast cancer will depend on the cancer type and subtypes. Common types of breast cancer include:

  • Invasive Ductal Carcinoma which starts in your milk ducts and spreads to nearby breast tissues.
  • Lobular Breast Cancer which starts in the breast’s lobules
  • Triple-negative Breast Cancer which is an aggressive form of breast cancer and spreads more quickly compared to other types of breast cancer

Signs & Symptoms

Symptoms of breast cancer may include:

  • A breast lump or thickened area of skin that feels different from surrounding tissues
  • Changes in the size, shape and appearance of the breast, such as skin that looks dimpled or resembling an orange peel
  • A nipple that looks flattened or turned inwards
  • Changes in the colour of breast skin
  • Peeling, crusty or flaky skin on the breast

Treatment of breast cancer include surgery and radiation therapy, you can read more about radiation therapy services here

Breast Self-Examination

Doing a breast self-examination every month helps you to understand and be familiar with the condition of your breasts. Do consult your healthcare provider if you notice any changes to your breast.

Here is how you can conduct a breast self-examination from home:

  1. Examine your breasts in a mirror with your shoulders straight and hands on your hips. Look out for any visual changes in breast shape, skin surface and nipple abnormalities. Raise your arms above your head to look for any changes on the underside of your breasts.
  2. Feel for breast lumps while lying down and standing up. Using your three middle fingers, move them around in a circular motion from the outer area of your breast to the nipple. Gently squeeze your nipples to check for discharge.
  3. Repeat this step with your other breast.

Importance of Mammogram Screenings

Mammograms are able to detect breast lumps at an early stage before the lumps are big enough to be felt or cause symptoms. Early treatments of breast cancer will lead to early treatment options and a better chance of survival in patients.

Farrer Health

Is Health Screening Really Necessary? 

Health screening is designed to detect health conditions early—even before symptoms start. So why should health screening be done, when, and how often? 
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Breast Cancer Surgery & Treatments: What to Expect?

Breast cancer treatment varies depending on a patient’s cancer stage and condition. Breast cancer surgery may be used alone or alongside treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormonal therapy.   
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Life After Cancer: Navigating Survivorship in the 21st Century

With post-cancer care, you will have regular follow ups with your healthcare provider to look for changes in your health due to your cancer treatment and any problems that may arise, such as a cancer relapse. 
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