Dr. Francis Chin Kuok Choon

Dr. Francis Chin Kuok Choon

  • Specialty Radiation Oncology
  • Sub-specialty
  • Languages English Mandarin Malay Hokkien Cantonese

Contact Information

  • Clinic
    Icon Cancer Centre Farrer Park
    1 Farrer Park Station Rd, #09-13 to 20 Connexion, Singapore 217562
    Mon - Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Associated Conditions and Treatments

Gynecological Cancers Stomach Cancer


Dr. Francis Chin is a radiation oncologist with over 20 years of experience in both medical and radiation oncology. His expertise spans across a range of cancers such as breast, prostate, gastrointestinal cancer, lung, gynecological conditions, soft tissue sarcoma and paediatrics.

Dr. Francis Chin was an ASEAN scholar who studied in Singapore and obtained his MBBS in the National University of Singapore in 1999. He received the Chevening scholarship from the UK Government in pursing a European MSc in Radiobiology receiving a distinction in 2003. He was awarded the SingHealth HMDP award and worked in the MiddleSex Hospital and University College Hospital, London doing his fellowship in clinical oncology leading to obtaining a FRCR in Clinical Oncology in 2006.

He practiced oncology in the National Cancer Centre Singapore working for two decades when he resigned as a senior consultant. Dr Francis Chin was also a visiting consultant at KKWCH (KK Woman and Children’s Hospital) in Singapore. His past academic appointments include clinical lecturer at YYL School of Medicine, NUS and as Adjunct Assistant Professor, SingHealth DUKE NUS Oncology Academic Oncology Clinical Programme (ACP). He led clinical improvement projects and was actively involved in research. He was principal investigator and steering committee member in projects worth over 10 million SGD in competitive grants.

Dr. Francis Chin was an editorial board member in Clinical Oncology journal published by the Royal College of Radiologists, UK. He is also a recognized local and regional expert in radiation biology and an chapter author in the Oxford Textbook of Critical Care, (second edition) on radiation poisoning and an IAEA expert consultant in their technical meetings and has published extensively. He teaches in Singapore and internationally sharing his expertise.

Dr. Chin is an expert in modern radiation technologies including Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT), Volumetric Arc Therapy (VMAT), Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for the various cancers.

Dr. Francis Chin is Deputy Chair of the Institutional Research Boards (IRB) in Oncology/Haematology of six hospitals and research organisations including NUHS, SingHealth, NHG and A*Star. He is also one of the few oncology experts appointed to serve on the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) complaints panel of expert doctors since 2017.

Internationally, Dr. Francis Chin is the immediate past president of SEAROG. SEAROG comprises of the radiation oncology societies of South East Asian countries, comprising of Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Since 2006 SEAROG has collaborated with ESTRO to organize local ESTRO school courses to improve the radiation expertise in this region. Dr Chin is serving as scientific co-chairman of ESTRO ASIA 2019.

He is on the Singapore specialist registry for radiation oncology and palliative medicine since 2007 and 2011 and registered on the Malaysian National Specialist registry for clinical oncology in 2018. He is one of the few doctors with dual specialisation in Singapore. He is also accredited on the main panel of major insurance groups in Singapore. He has been described as a caring and compassionate clinician who does his best for his patients and has won service awards for his excellence in clinical service quality.

He volunteers and is a serving executive board member since 2021 with 365 cancer prevention society which was started in 2003 by DJ Billy. 365 CPS is a leading cancer non-profit and charity in Singapore with a mission to serve the community through cancer prevention measures. 365 offers a range of free services including 4 physical social service centres throughout Singapore.

He is also honorary medical advisor to Viva Foundation for children which is a Singapore based charity that focuses on saving the lives of more children with cancer through excellence in medical care and education.

He is currently enrolled into the post graduate programme Leadership of Medicine, SEA course in the prestigious Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.

Dr. Chin's specialty interests are breast, prostate, lung, gastrointestinal, gynaecology cancers and sarcomas.

Associated Conditions and Treatments

Gynecological Cancers Stomach Cancer

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