Dr. Denis Cheong

Dr. Denis Cheong

  • Specialty General Surgery
  • Languages English Mandarin Malay

Contact Information

  • Clinic
    Surgi-TEN Specialists
    1 Farrer Park Station Rd, #10-11 Connexion, Singapore 217562
    Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Associated Conditions and Treatments

Colorectal Cancer Hemorrhoids / Piles


Dr. Denis Cheong is a general surgery specialist with over 20 years of experience. He provides specialized care in the treatment of anal disorders such as hemorrhoids, fistula and fissure, laparoscopic treatment of colon and rectal cancers, diverticular disease and gallbladder disorders, hernia repair and thyroid surgery.

Prior to his move to private practice, Dr. Cheong was a senior consultant at Tan Tock Seng Hospital’s General Surgery department. During his tenure, he spearheaded the development of colorectal surgery and served as the Head of Colorectal Surgery. Dr. Cheong was also the director of the Digestive Disease Center which he was instrumental in developing. In addition, he played a pivotal role in the inception of the medical and radiation oncology services there.

Upon his graduation from the National University of Singapore’s Faculty of Medicine in 1983, Dr. Cheong underwent basic and specialty training in General Surgery at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasglow in 1989. He was awarded the Health Manpower Development Program (HMDP) Award in 1992 and received training in Colorectal Surgery at Cleveland Clinic Florida under Dr. Steven Wexner. Dr. Cheong’s second HMDP award in 2003 brought him to St Mark’s Hospital in London as well as the Karolinska Institute and Upsalla University in Sweden. In 2008, Dr. Cheong received the HMDP award for the third time to further develop his skills in laparoscopic and colorectal surgery at the Australasian Endosurgery Centre in Brisbane, Australia and Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

Dr. Cheong’s strong commitment to undergraduate and postgraduate training can be seen in his appointment as Senior Clinical Lecturer and examiner at the National University of Singapore’s Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. He was also a Visiting Consultant to KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, John Hopkins (Singapore) International Medical Center and the National Cancer Center in Singapore.

Dr. Cheong’s devotion to the welfare of others extends beyond his clinics. Besides his clinical involvement, he is also actively involved in humanitarian missions and was a member of Singapore’s earthquake relief team to Turkey in 1999.

Dr Cheong's specialty interests are diverticular disease and gallbladder disorders, fistula and fissures, hernia repair and thyroid surgery and laparoscopic treatment of colon and rectal cancers. 

Associated Conditions and Treatments

Colorectal Cancer Hemorrhoids / Piles

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Did you know?

You can use the FAST test to check for the most common symptoms of stroke in yourself or someone else:

Face: Smile and see if one side of the face droops

Arms: Raise both arms and see if one arm drops down

Speech: Say a short phrase and check for slurred or strange speech

Time: If any of the above symptoms are present, contact a healthcare provider and note down the time symptoms started