Gastritis Treatment

How is Gastritis treated?

Gastritis is a condition where the stomach lining is inflammed due to infections or stress and is usually treated using medications. The type of medications depends on the cause of the condition.

Acid Reducing Medication
Antacids neutralise stomach acid and may come in the form of liquid as well as pills. They can be bought over the counter and common ones include Gaviscon and Alka-Seltzer.

Proton-pump inhibitors and H2 blockers reduce stomach acid production by preventing receptors on the surface of stomach cells from producing stomach acid. 

These medications may take time to take effect. If your condition does not improve even after taking medications, you should inform your doctor immediately or call our 24-HR Medical Urgency Clinic (65) 6705 2999.

H. pylori bacteria can enter your body through contaminated food and water and live in your digestive tract. Antibiotics such as clarithromycin, amoxicillin, or metronidazole may be prescribed.


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