
What is Gastritis?

Gastritis is inflammation found in your stomach lining. It can be acute, where you experience a sudden onset of the condition; or chronic, where it develops over time. Stress, alcohol, smoking or regularly consuming painkillers can lead to gastritis. Symptoms usually improve quickly with proper medications. Left untreated, it will likely lead to peptic ulcers and possibly lead to stomach cancer.

What are the symptoms of Gastritis?

  • Burning pain in the upper abdomen
  • Indigestion
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea

How is Gastritis diagnosed?

Blood Test
A blood test may be done to check your red blood cell count to determine whether you have anemia.

An endoscopy may be done to examine the esophagus, stomach and the small intestines to check for inflammation.

Stool Test
A stool test may be done to check for the presence of bacteria or blood which may be indicative of gastritis.

Urea Breath Test
You’ll drink a special liquid and will be asked to breathe into a bag. The bag will be sent to a lab for testing. If you have H. pylori, the bacteria will change the urea in your body into carbon dioxide  and lab tests will show that your breath has higher than normal levels of the gas.


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