Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment

How do we treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea is a sleeping disorder that disrupts your breathing during sleep, depriving your brain of oxygen while you sleep and may cause major health problems in the long run.

Weight management
People who are overweight, have large tonsils, or a small face and jaw are prone to sleep apnea. Drinking alcohol or taking sleeping pills can also make the airway more susceptible to collapsing during sleep.

Airway pressure devices
Sleep apnea can be managed with a continuous positive airway pressure device, which is a mask-like device that keeps the airways open while you sleep.

Surgery is usually only an option after other treatments have failed, and is usually suggested after a trial of at least a three-months of other treatment options. It is however, a first treatment option for people with certain jaw structure problems.

We are always happy to help.

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Our Specialists

Dr. Paul Mok Kan Hwei

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Dr. Tay Hin Ngan

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Dr. Harold Heah

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