Dr. Ruth Kam

Dr. Ruth Kam


  • Specialty Cardiology
  • Languages English Mandarin

Contact Information

  • Clinic
    Ruth Kam Heart And Arrhythmia Clinic
    1 Farrer Park Station Rd, #07-11 Connexion, Singapore 217562
    Mon - Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Associated Conditions and Treatments

Heart Arrhythmia


Dr. Kam began her medical career at the National Heart Centre where she last served as Senior Consultant in 2004. She obtained her basic medical degree from the National University of Singapore (1986) and was a President’s Scholar (1981 to 1985). She did her training in Internal Medicine and obtained her MRCP (UK) in 1990 and Master of Internal Medicine (Singapore) in 1991. She then obtained her specialist training in Cardiology at the Singapore General Hospital (1991-1994), and proceeded on to a scholarship to Massachusetts General Hospital (USA) where she was further trained in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Catheter Ablation (1994-1995) and in Cardiac Pacemaker and Defibrillator Implantation (1995-1996). She was also a research fellow in Medicine at Harvard University (1994-1995). In 1997, she passed the special competency examination in cardiac pacing and defibrillation set by the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (NASPE). In 1998, she obtained her Fellowship in the Academy of Medicine, Singapore. In 2000, she obtained her FRCP from the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh.

As a private practitioner, Dr. Ruth Kam continues to serve as visiting consultant in many public hospitals in Singapore where she is actively involved in the training of the next generation of aspiring electrophysiologists. She is a consultant to the Singapore Sports Council in matters pertaining to the use of automatic external defibrillators in public sporting venues. She has proctored in device implant procedures and lead extraction in various South East Asian countries.

Besides electrophysiology and pacing, her other main areas of interest are in preventive cardiology, sports and fitness, and healthy cooking.

She has published 31 original articles in peer reviewed journals and 65 abstracts in scientific meetings. She has participated in multicenter pacemaker studies such as the SAFE study.

Dr. Kam's specialty interests are electrophysiology and pacing, preventive cardiology and sports and fitness.

Associated Conditions and Treatments

Heart Arrhythmia

Other Cardiology Specialists

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Did you know?

While it is true that you should eat a diet low in saturated and trans fat if you have heart disease, other fats such as unsaturated fats in olive oil and nuts are actually beneficial. In fact, eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, twice a week can lower the risk of heart disease.

Learn more about ways to maintain your heart health here.