Dr. Soo Khee Chee

Dr. Soo Khee Chee


  • Specialty General Surgery
  • Languages English Mandarin Malay

Contact Information

  • Clinic
    Soo Khee Chee Surgery
    1 Farrer Park Station Rd, #10-09 Connexion, Singapore 217562
    Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Associated Conditions and Treatments

Head and Neck Cancers


Dr. Soo Khee Chee studied medicine in the university of Singapore graduating in 1975. He did his surgical training in Sydney and then had his fellowship training in surgical oncology and head and neck surgery in London and New York.

After his medical and surgical training, Dr. Soo returned to Singapore General Hospital in 1988 and has been there since. In 1993, Prof Soo became Head of the Department of Surgery in Singapore General Hospital and held that position for 11 years. He was for a period Chair of the NUS Department of Surgery. 

In 1997, Dr. Soo became the Founding Director of the National Cancer Centre Singapore and recently retired from that position after 20 years. He was also the Senior Vice Dean of Duke NUS Medical School and now continues to hold the Benjamin Sheares Professorship in Academic Medicine.  

Dr. Soo Kee Chee started his own surgical practice in Farrer Park Hospital and Farrer Park Medical Centre with an interest in surgical oncology and head and neck surgery.

Dr Soo's specialty interests are head and neck surgery, melanomas, soft tissue sarcomas, surgical oncology and thyroid and salivary gland tumors. 

Associated Conditions and Treatments

Head and Neck Cancers

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Did you know?

You can use the FAST test to check for the most common symptoms of stroke in yourself or someone else:

Face: Smile and see if one side of the face droops

Arms: Raise both arms and see if one arm drops down

Speech: Say a short phrase and check for slurred or strange speech

Time: If any of the above symptoms are present, contact a healthcare provider and note down the time symptoms started