Revised mask-wearing requirements at our Medical Centre and Hospital

Smart Hospital of the Year in Asia-Pacific

  • 30 May 2018

Singapore, 30 May 2018 - In the opinion of Dr. Peng Chung Mien, Farrer Park’s CEO, a smart hospital must have an ecosystem through which technology is allowed to thrive, support smoother processes, and deliver better outcomes. 

“Any organisation with enough money can buy artificial intelligence software, but they would still need an infrastructure that will allow it to be integrated into their current systems,” said Dr. Peng to Global Health and Travel. “There would also need to be a workforce that is open to using new technology along with a culture that drives adoption.” 

He believes that technology would be nothing more than a white elephant without such an infrastructure. Before even the first brick was laid, Farrer Park had already developed a digital blueprint that would allow it to be technologically relevant for the next 20 years. 

For example, fibre backbones were laid to allow a seamless data flow throughout the hospital complex to meet potentially increasing data usage. A team of experts, including IT managers and those with clinical knowledge, gathered to conceptualise and plan the hospital’s smart services. Technology was embedded, as Dr. Peng puts it, “intuitively within the rigours of care pathways and procedure requirements.” 

“At the start of this journey, we knew technology would be the differentiator. Most processes had been digitised to free up our nurses so they could focus on providing the human touch to patients, given that healthcare is deeply traditional and people-focused”, he explained. “Nobody wants to be treated exclusively by robots. Human interaction, the warmth of being cared for, can never be replaced. We maintain the highest standards for service.” 

About Farrer Park Hospital

Farrer Park Hospital is the latest private tertiary acute care hospital in Singapore. The facility includes the Farrer Park Medical Centre with specialist clinics, medical technology, nuclear medicine and radiology services to support a wide range of surgical specialties in oncology, orthopedic, gastroenrology, and cardiology. Designed by healthcare professionals and conveniently built above an underground train station, the hospital is a carefully created environment to enable modern yet holistic care for all its patients.

The hospital shares numerous calming gardens and inspiring art works with its related hotel, One Farrer Hotel. Synergies between the hospital and hotel provide families and visitors with enhanced experiences in food and beverage, choices of accommodation, lifestyle programs and conference facilities. Farrer Park Hospital and One Farrer Hotel are part of The Farrer Park Company Pte Ltd, a Singapore based company.

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