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Dry Eyes Treatment

How is Dry Eye treated?

Dry eye is a condition where the supply of tears is not enough to keep the eyes adequately lubricated. Eye lubrication is essential for good vision and comfort and inadequate lubrication can lead to several uncomfortable symptoms.

Eye drops 
Eye drops are the primary methods of treatment and provide artificial lubrication. Specific types may be prescribed for different patients.You will need to use the drops consistently even when your eyes feel fine.You will need to use a thicker product, like an ointment, at night, if have a chronic condition and your eyes dry out while you sleep, 

Temporary or permanent punctual occlusion 
Your doctor may close the ducts that release tears from the eyes using a dissolving plug inserted into the lower eyelid. This is done to evaluate the neccesity of a permanent occulsion. Non-dissolving punctal plugs will be use if a permanent occlusion is deemed necessary,

This refers to a medical device that unclogs blocked glands surrounding the eyes to improve tear production using both pressure and heat. These glands produce the oil in your tears and keep your eyes moist and prevents your tears from evaporating.

Steroid Eyedrops
Steroid-based eyedrops can be prescribed for use for a set period of time to help relieve periods of dryness. These are most effective in more severe cases but they should only be used for the short term.

Prescription medication
An oral medication called cyclosporine may be prescribed. It is an anti-inflammatory drug that protects the cornea from damage and increases tear production, which can help keep the eyes lubricated.

Nutritional supplements 
Fish oil and omega-3 may be added to your diet to help relieve the discomfort caused by dry eyes.

We are always happy to help.

Associated Conditions

Dry Eyes

Our Specialists

Dr. Bobby Cheng

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Dr. Joy Chan

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Dr. Au Eong Kah Guan

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