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What is an Anoscopy?

An anoscopy is a simple procedure that can help identify several conditions and diseases that can affect the lower part of your intestines. These include cancer, tears in the tissue or anal fissures, swollen veins around the anus and rectum called hemorrhoids, and rectal polyps.

What happens before an Anoscopy?

You will be given a laxative or enema to take before the procedure to help you completely empty your bowels.

You will be required to change into a hospital gown for the procedure.

What happens during an Anoscopy?

Your doctor may request that you position yourself in the fetal position on a table, or bend forward over the table. 

He then inserts an anoscope, a rigid hollow tube with a light, into your rectum and anus to examine them in detail.

You may be asked you to clench and relax your internal muscles as you would when having a bowel movement. This helps with the placement of the anoscope during the procedure.

What happens after an Anoscopy?

You will be given a follow up appointment to review your test results. Should you feel unwell or experience abdominal pain or bleeding, contact your doctor immediately or call our 24-Hour Medical Urgency Clinic.

We are always happy to help.

Associated Conditions

Anal Fissure Hemorrhoids / Piles