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Skin Cancer Treatment

How is Skin Cancer treated?

Skin cancer is the cancer of the skin and the three main types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.. Treatment for skin cancer depends on the type of skin cancer, where it is located, what stage it is at and how aggressive it is. 

Small cancers are treated through biopsy or removing the entire growth. A different treatment plan is needed for more serious skin cancer.

Localised cancer is when the cancer is still contained in one area and has not spread. Several surgical procedures are available for this type of cancer.

Excisional Surgery
The tumors and area of the skin affected by the cancer is surgically removed, together with margin of healthy skin. This section is known as the surgical margin and a clear or clean margin means there are no cancer cells in the tissue that was removed. Treatments such as radiation or more surgery will be carried out if the margin is not clean and cancer cells are found in the removed tissue.

Curettage and Electrodesiccation
The tumor is cut from the skin with a sharp tool called a curette which causes scarring. The area is then cauterised using electric needles and an electric current that stops the bleeding and destroys cancer cells in the area around the edge called the surgical margin. The process is repeated until all of the cancer is removed. 

Mohs Surgery
The tumour is cut from the skin in thin layers and each layer is examined for cancer cells through a microscope. Layers are removed until no more cancer cells are detected. Minimal normal skin tissue is removed in this form of surgery that is usually performed on areas such as the face, fingers, or nose to conserve as much skin as possible. It is performed for larger, difficult-to-treat or recurring skin cancers.

This is a non-invasive treatment where cancer cells are destroyed by freezing them with liquid nitrogen. Also known as cryotherapy or cyroablation, it uses extreme cold to destroy cancer cells that are localized. 

Chemotherapy for skin cancer includes the application of creams with anti-cancer properties, as well as to treat skin cancers that have spread to other parts of the body.

Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy may be an option when cancer can't be completely removed during surgery.

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Associated Conditions

Skin Cancer